Day Ten – Slovakia, Paraguay, Italy, New Zealand, Brazil, Ivory Coast

I decided to look forward today, rather than back and as a result, the mouth-watering prospect of an encounter with Brazil filled me with inspiration to cook. So I sat back and watched as Lynfa baked up a storm for both today and the rest of the week. By lunchtime, the kitchen resembled a battlefield, where the main weapons had been flour. And sugar. And an unbreakable devotion to the Vatican. (Apologies to Messrs Monty Python and the writers of Sliding Doors. On second thoughts, no – I am not going to apologise to them).

Slovakian Lokše, (potato cake) matched up rather well with Paraguayan Asado, (beef steak) and corn on the cob, both barbecued and washed down with Chianti Classico from Frescobaldi.

The evening’s fayre demanded more from the barbecue and I was rather grateful that the weather had improved sufficiently for my outdoor efforts. However, not knowing what we were going to be faced with, we had already prepared what turned out to be a delicious Galinha com Creme de Ervilhas, a Brazilian chicken dish served with cheese and peas. (Paul Whitehouse, eat your heart out!). Did some rather nice vegetable skewers, though, with more Paraguayan courgettes, mushrooms and peppers.  Cracking New Zealand Pinot Noir made it an evening to remember, though as it turned out, one for Kaka to forget, even if saying his name takes us back to primary school.