Currently, there are two novels available. The first is Greed, a high-octane, violent and often erotic thriller based in Essex, London, Spain and Morocco and tells the story of an East London based gang about to get involved in its first major drug deal. There are a large number of identifiable characters in the book, ranging from the gang members, their families, British Customs officers and shadowy go-betweens to deeply complex Spanish aristocrats and German hit-men. It is the first time that a gang has been written about in this way and offers a fresh approach to the reader. This book is one of a trilogy which documents the way each character develops along the way. Human relationships and tragedies are viewed from different angles, as well as unpredictable behaviour. The descent into mayhem is rapid and relentless, with numerous inevitable casualties along the way and the reader is catapulted from one fast-paced scenario to the next, as the gang members and their families fall one by one into the vortex. Each of the three books is a complete story.

The second is Right to Live, which is based heavily on historical fact revolving around the life, disappearance and re-emergence of the “Angel of Death of Auschwitz”, Dr Joseph Mengele. Key characters emerge as the book unfolds and there are many twists and turns to enthral the reader. It is, however, not a book for the faint-hearted, documenting and relating the terrible truth about the concentration and extermination camp system which was so widely adopted by the Nazis in Eastern Poland and beyond in what is now modern-day Ukraine, Lithuania and Belarus.