Day Nine – Netherlands, Japan, Ghana, Australia, Cameroon, Denmark

Phew! This is becoming difficult. Not the menus, but supporting England. How did we follow last night’s abysmal performance with a culinary fest suitable for the six nations on display? This is how we did it;

Danish bacon sandwiches for breakfast at least restored some of our morale. Thick and juicy, served with Lurpak unsalted butter on fresh bread. No sooner was that over with, than we had to press on with a light lunch of exotic fruits and a selection of Dutch cheeses – Leerdammer, Gouda and Edam. Not wishing to deny ourselves the pleasure of an accompanying wine, we opted for the remainder of some rather splendid Charles Melton Rose of Virginia 2009 from Australia’s Barossa Valley. Not quite ready yet; I prefer the 2008.

The evening called for a Pacific Rim Fusion Spectacular, but we weren’t really quite ready for that, so we opted for Japanese Tiger Prawns, served with aromatic rice, followed by succulent lamb chops served with our own barbecue sauce, fresh mango and Angove’s Cabernet Sauvignon.