Day Eleven – Portugal, PR Korea, Chile, Switzerland, Spain, Honduras

My turn to keep the faith today, at home on my own, so it required a Herculean effort not to degenerate into convenience and lack of input on the worldwide front.

I am very fond of Portugal, though my attempts at dishing up anything remotely authentic had so far run simply to that for the last match. However, if I say so myself, the Piri-Piri sauce was legendary and looked out at me from inside the fridge, as if to say, “Go on, you know you want to…” I resisted. So it was the turn of tuna, a dish which had so far been conspicuous by its absence. Flavoured with cumin, it turned out to be the perfect lunchtime dish – not too heavy and served with Honduran coconut bread, provided an ideal accompaniment to Portugal’s 7-0 thrashing of the PRK. Evidently some of their players have seized the opportunity to disappear into the vastness of Africa, thus avoiding the unnecesary and some would say, tiresome trip home this week. I also stole half a glass of Chilean Sauvignon from the fridge.

We carried on with our attempts to eat ‘in order’ today and so the evening’s delights consisted of hot chorizo with tomato salad, Emmental, olives and roasted peppers, followed by more sweet coconut bread, sweet mango sauce and Rioja Reserva. Arroz con Leche brought up the rear, a kind of Honduran rice pudding.