Catholic Bishop Denies Holocaust

To start a Monday morning with an article such as the one below is indeed a sad indictment of the twisted bitterness which exists in the world today.

It is high time the Catholic Church took responsibility for those bigots, child abusers and charlatans which prosper in its midst. One would have hoped that a German Pope would have been more sensitive to this issue, but it seems that is not the case. I have many Catholic friends who I know are appalled by the stance the church is taking on ‘looking after its own’ and this takes the biscuit.

Please visit The Simon Wiesenthal Centre for more information on Bishop Williamson and his ilk and to sign the petition.

As the world joins together tomorrow to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Pope Benedict XVI has welcomed a Catholic Bishop and denier of the Nazi Holocaust back into the Church.

Britain’s Bishop Richard Williamson, who is reportedly being investigated for Holocaust denial in Germany, denied the murder of 6 million Jews by stating in an interview on Swedish state television last week, “I think that 200,000 to 300,000 Jews died in Nazi concentration camps, but none of them in gas chambers.”

The Pope must make clear to the world that at a time when anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial have reached the highest levels in two decades and protesters at anti-Israel rallies are chanting, “Jews back to the ovens”, his decision to welcome a Holocaust denier back into the Church will only validate Holocaust denial and contradicts the teachings of Vatican II. Bishops who preach anti-Semitism or Holocaust denial should not be embraced by the Vatican.

Bishop Williamson is one of four Catholic Bishops belonging to the notoriously anti-Semitic ‘Society of Saint Pius’, a breakaway group which opposes changes in Catholic doctrine. According to news reports, Williamson has endorsed “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, a notorious anti-Semitic forgery, and claimed that Jews are bent on world domination.

Just last week, Pope Benedict XVI lifted the excommunication of Williamson and three other Bishops belonging to this group.
