Orange and Tiscali

For my money, hot on the heels of the Carphone Whorehouse and Phones 4 U must be Messrs Orange and Tiscali. Surely, if these companies were involved in anything other than telecommunications, they would have been closed down for misrepresentation long ago?

A friend of mine was persuaded to take out a new 18 month contract with Orange just under a year ago. Not the dreaded Nokia N95? Oh, yes. Within a couple of weeks, the damned thing began to go wrong and has never been right since. It has been in to Orange twice, to the Carphone Whorehouse in Cannon Street three times and to Nokia once. It still only manages four hours between charges and the best excuse so far has been, “Well, you have got it connected to 3G….” It’s a bloody 3G phone, you moron! It’s been one pathetic excuse after another.

As for Tiscali, they have managed to collect money under false pretences for a broadband service they don’t provide, yet keep reminding their clients that they are under contract for twelve months! Doh! Breach of contract? And who breached that first?

It’s time to take to the streets….