David Ross – “Tip Of The Iceberg…”

It seems that matters have come home to roost for the once exalted David Ross of Carphone Warehouse fame. There will be much to read over the coming weeks in the press and trade papers, yet how much will be revealed concerning the Directors of that plc company and their persistent high-level involvement in MTIC or “Carousel Fraud”? Both Ross and his co-director Charles Dunstone, along with an unnamed senior sales executive have been questioned under caution at police stations in London several times between 2000 and the present day. Dunstone makes passing reference to this in interviews, attempting to lessen the blow, yet there is evidence in the public domain to show that between 2002 and 2003, Carphone Warehouse turned over in excess of £1 billion in the “wholesale trade of mobile phones”. What is not revealed is that the traders with whom they worked were anything but respectable and that their suppliers told them who to sell on to! All of this activity was approved at board level, with Carphone’s Financial Director approving multi-million pound transactions every day for a period of years.Along with John Caudwell of Phones4U, Dunstone and Ross made huge personal fortunes on the back of their involvement in VAT fraud, yet whilst Caudwell was instructed to sell his stake in Phones4U by the Blair government to avoid prosecution, Ross and Dunstone continued unabated. It seems that now Ross has besmirched his name in public, the truth may finally come out about the way so many high-level fraudsters have been allowed to get away with millions whilst a few minor players have been thrown to the wolves.This correspondent has ample evidence to show who the real perpetrators are, yet who is prepared to listen?